From learning how we got our Bible, to studies of God’s chosen people Israel, to understanding the message of grace revealed through the Apostle Paul, the Year 1 Program guides you on a journey of discovery about the nature of God and His various dealings with mankind. Emphasis is placed on communicating sound doctrine, the burden of evangelism and missions and recognizing the unity that the One True God has placed in His word. Brief course descriptions are listed below. Please also visit our Year 1 Calendar page.
A study tracing the origin of the Bible with special treatment of concepts such as revelation, inspiration, preservation, translation, canonicity and authenticity
Church Epistles
A study of the Pauline epistles of Romans through II Thessalonians, with special emphasis on the doctrinal elements of Paul’s apostleship to the Gentiles
Bible History 1
A comprehensive spiritual study of the historical content of the Old Testament from Genesis through Joshua, including God’s dealings with Israel
Basic Bible Doctrines
A study of foundational church doctrines concerning the Trinity, redemption, sanctification, eternal security, the Holy Spirit’s work, the last days and others
Bible History 2
An in-depth examination of the rise and fall of God’s chosen people Israel in the Promised Land as recorded in the Bible books of Judges through Esther
Bible Synthesis
A presentation of the synthetic Bible study method by studying the basics of dispensational theology, emphasizing the basic unity of God’s revealed Word
Bible Analysis
An exhaustive, inductive study of the Book of Mark with training in the use of biblical aids like concordances, lexicons, dictionaries, atlases and other references
A discussion of the biblical basis of missions and church planting, including the history of missions, and the practical aspects of cross-cultural ministry