Year 2 Certificate - Church Leadership
As you progress to the Year 2 Program, we add an additional focus to sound doctrine and solid biblical interpretation training - church leadership skills. Whether its studies of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Gospels, the Apostle Paul in Acts, or King Solomon in Proverbs, we teach these courses with an eye towards gleaning leadership truths from the Scriptural text. The depth of the theological training increases, and instruction in teaching and preaching is included. This training is ideal for those who want to be teachers, pastors, elders, or deacons in local church settings, or in church planting ministries. See brief course descriptions below:
The Gospels
A study of the life of Christ via the Gospel of John and the synoptic gospels Matthew and Luke, complete with comparisons of their focus, and their historicity.
Theology I
A course designed to gain a fuller understanding of theological topics including bibliology, theology proper, the works of God, angelology, and other foundational truths
Acts, Part 1
A dispensationally-oriented study of the book of Acts, with special focus placed on the transition from the “law and the prophets” to the revelation of grace. This first course covers Acts 1-14.
Theology II
A continuation study of theological topics including anthropology, soteriology, ecclesiology and eschatology with a dispensational focus on how these doctrines relate
The General Epistles
A study of the books of Hebrews through Jude, including their authorship, background, themes, dispensational position and application for today.
Wisdom Literature
A study of poetical Old Testament books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon, noting their special place in the biblical canon
An extensive treatment of the principles of proper biblical interpretation, the values behind them, and how these interpretive choices impact our textual understanding
Acts, Part 2
A dispensationally-oriented study of the book of Acts, with special focus placed on the transition from the “law and the prophets” to the revelation of grace. This second course covers Acts 15-28